Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Oh, the weather outside is frightful!

I hate .

Ok, ok, ok.
This morning I got up at 7:00 and laced up for a little 3 mile tempo run. At this point for me, running 3 shouldn't feel hard. But, then again, a wise running man (named Dad) once said, "Running in a Florida summer is supposed to be hard. You just have to keep going." I guess I just need to wake up before the sun if I want to actually enjoy my run.
*Me with the wise man a.k.a. Dad >

So, then came breakfast!
My favorite meal.
2 servings of slow cook oatmeal=300
1/2 banana, 1/2 cup of strawberries=100

*I use Stevia in my oatmeal, tea, coffee, and lots of other things. It's my absolute favorite! No calories, no aspartame. Perfect.

Then I biked to work (about a 2.5 mile ride). But, not before packing lunch.
organic mixed greens with veggies=80
2 tbs. lite honey mustard dressing=70
1 can of tuna=100
1 pear=120
1 prune=20
I have 2 little work goals this summer.
1.) A salad every day. I love, love, love trying new things in my salad. Lately it's just been tuna and loads of veggies, because it's quick and easy, but I'm looking for new ideas!
2.) Bike to work everyday (weather permitting).

After a 6 1/2 hour shift of summer camp fun, I quickly biked home to take a nap! It was amazing, by the way.
When I woke up, it was time for dinner.

3 cups of Publix Tru Blu salad=170
1 tbs. olive oil with mushrooms=135
fruit cup (1/4 banana, 7 grapes, 7 strawberries)=100

Today's total=1195

Today is is the first day I have reduced my calorie intake from roughly 1600 to exactly 1200. I feel really good today. Motivated to keep it at 1200. Since snacking is my downfall, I'm just eating three balanced 400 calorie meals a day.

Now I'm off to swim with a Masters group for an hour.

So, one more time to recap:Ran 3 miles, biked 5 miles (work commute...it still burns calories though!), swam for an hour.Calories consumed: 1195

I'd have to say today has been a success!
With love,



  1. Very successful sweetie.May I ask a question, what type of tuna do you eat?

  2. Salads are yummy! Have you tried adding apples or cashews or avocados? Those are my favorite toppings.

  3. Denise-bumble bee light in water
    Emily-avocados sound SO good

  4. A few salad suggestions...craisins, 100 cal. pack almonds, oranges, bell peppers, brocc..just some thoughts. I like to change mine up, too. They can get boring after a while! =)
    Also...to make it more filling...steak or chicken strips (grilled, of course).
    You look great!
    ~Kristin Amato


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